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We are heavily invested in R&D to build AI, machine learning and statistics based data analytics platform for delivering highly accurate forecasts. Our RE generation clients rely on us to combine large numbers of meteorological parameters with plant characteristics and historical data to deliver highly accurate and timely RE generation forecasts. Our SLDC clients rely on us to combine large numbers of meteorological parameters and event data to deliver highly accurate and timely demand forecasts.

RealGen Application
RealGen Application is useful for those who want to monitor real-time injection of power with respect to the actual schedule.

Energy Accounting
Energy Accounting used for energy accounting across states and regions.

Open Access Software
Open Access Software automates all bilateral power transactions. The software maintains a centralized database with access to various departments.

SmarTech EMS
SmarTech EMS provides updated and client-specific analysis of power consumption for efficient power management.

PTS is designed for traders, automates all components or activities related to power exchange trading starting from bidding till the acknowledgement of payments.

PTS Genco
PTS Genco is a contract management and scheduling solution, which manages the transactions from front-to-back office